Thursday 23 September 2010

Driving Test Progress

I used to blog alot but not so often anymore, this is partly due to my tight work schedule and lack of motivation. That does not mean that I don't get the odd free time to blog and write about my work - I do, it's just that I can't afford the time, every little free time I get is spent on the little side projects. ( will talk more about that in another post). That's why I was thrilled when a friend in the UK emailed me to help set up his Free Driving test website.

The driving test site is still under construction as you can see here, I know it does not look much, but at least there's content there to act as a place holder :) We hope to add more content as time goes on. But the main issue now is time as already mentioned.

He just started learning to drive and documenting the process and progress seems like a good idea to share the experience with other learner drivers looking for free driving test information to help them as well. To kick things off, I thought I should blog about it, this will help to keep me focused on what needs to be done and steps that I need to achieve that final goal.

If you've created a simple (few pages) site before and have a few tips to share, please leave a comment.
That said, the main work starts in earnest this weekend. Wish me luck!